When someone is considering a separation or divorce, he or she should consult an attorney who specializes in domestic relations law. The state bar referral service can assist people by providing the names of local attorneys who specialize in domestic relations matters. Most attorneys, including our attorneys, charge a fee for an initial consultation. Further, attorneys generally ask for an advanced fee and/or retainer when they are hired to represent a client for a specific case. This practice is customary, although the amount of the advanced fee to retain the attorney will vary from attorney to attorney.
As the divorce action proceeds each month, the client’s legal fees are totaled, and the sum is deducted from the original advanced fee. This process continues until the fee has been depleted. Then the client is generally asked to provide an additional advanced fee and/or pay for the legal services each month in full until the case is completed. Without question, divorce litigation can be very costly, but the counsel of a good attorney in a divorce action is vital.
Legal representation is highly advisable, even if only for advice concerning a no-fault divorce. Everyone needs to understand what his or her rights and responsibilities are when a marriage is ending.